Bumper Videos
Event Name: Bumper Videos
Event Date: January 10, 2020
Event Time: [303]
Event Location: Always8
Event Coordinator: Mitch Cooper
Event Contant Phone: (317)-504-9305
Event Contact Email: mitch.cooper@yahoo.com
Event Notes:
I have been requesting those in person since moving to the new building but I am now formerly asking via this application. I need two small video clips (bumper videos) no longer than 10-15 seconds. The purpose of these videos will be to auto play at the beginning of each streamed service Welcoming the online visitors and thanking the visitors for watching our stream.
Front clip will say something to the effect of :hank you for visiting. Our services will begin in <insert countdown skinned yo the timer point in which we are at currently all the way down to zero.
Back Clip will thank them for joining us and saying something like we hope you have been very blessed.
No video of anyone in the clip (pastor, etc.) just test. If you wish to use clips of live portions of past services, that willl work also.,
Pulpit Announcement: No
Social Media: No