**Addition of details to bumper videos
Event Name: **Addition of details to bumper videos
Event Date: January 1, 2020
Event Time: [303]
Event Location: ALTHM
Event Coordinator: Mitch
Event Contant Phone: (317)-504-9305
Event Contact Email: Mitch.cooper@althm.church
Event Notes:
Front video: “Welcome to the Abundant Life Live steam. Our live stream will begin in
Five Minués…. four miniutes 59 seconds, four minutes 58 seconds….. I want it to be cool, effective, cutting edge so I am flexible on this part. I want action background footage of our services AND events, including KSC, Sunday school, baptizims, workshop, preaching, youth, etc. Popping music that lets the viewer know they are getting ready to experience Pentecost.
End Video: “Thank you for joining our services, we trust you were blessed and we pray God richly blesses you. We invite you back to join us on Sun 10 AM, 6 PM, Wednesday 7PM. Live online or in-person. Come, join us and be apart of a church where God is moving and things are happening in the kingdom of God.
BoxCast: Having trouble logging in to BoxCast to get you BoxCast boundaries but I am attempting.
Pulpit Announcement: No
Social Media: Yes
Social Media Type: Facebook, Instagram, Website Event
Graphics/Media/Marketing: Video